Welcome to the team, Evan Byrne! Joining us as a Developer at Fireant Studio, we had a few questions for Evan:
Attica, Michigan
Alma Mater:
I studied Information Technology at Central Michigan University.
Favorite movie:
How’d you learn to code?
I asked for a book on how to make websites for my thirteenth birthday, which I then used to create a web gallery for my Lego robots. It all just kind of spiraled out of control from there!
Do you believe in Big Foot?
Lived next door. Always shedding all over the place.
What’s been your average day at Fireant Studio so far?
We work 9-5 here at Fireant, with a hour-ish lunch break. Typically, I have a bundle of well-defined ongoing tasks to work on every day. Smaller tasks come up every once in awhile which I also have to attend to. I mostly work on coding websites, but I also do a little bit of server management. Overall, I would say Fireant provides me with a good mix of challenging tasks and a comfortable work-life balance.
Android or iPhone
Android, but only if it’s vanilla. Unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers ship bloatware with their Android phones.
What should every developer try at least once in his / her professional life?
Every young software developer should try creating some sort of open-source side project. The more ambitious the better, because even if they don’t end up using it much they’ll learn a lot making it. Additionally, open-source projects make great portfolio pieces.
One thing people would be surprised to know about you?
I was once buzzed and chased a short distance by a police helicopter / drone while walking my dog… In my yard. Small towns are crazy sometimes!
What ‘Are you still watching?’ on Netflix?
The Man in the High Tower. Started off so-so, but it’s definitely getting better.